German Matias Quiet Pro for Mac - FK302Q-DE It's really quiet. Mechanical keyboards offer the best performance, but they're noisy - too noisy to use in most offices, or around other people. This is the first one that's quiet. Over two years in the making, it's the only mechanical keyboard that keeps both your fingers and your co-workers happy. Mac-friendly function keys. Just like an Apple keyboard, the Quiet Pro's function keys let you control screen brightness, volume, iTunes, and more. There's even an Fn key, that lets you momentarily change the function keys back to their traditional duties, when you need them.
™ € £ © are easy to find. Extra handy (but hard to remember) symbols are printed right on the keys. Simply hold down the Option key for the bottom-right characters, or Shift-Option for top-right characters. Laser etched keys. All those symbols are handy, but what happens when they wear off? They're laser etched - burned into the keys with a laser - so they'll never wear off. Sculpted keytops.
I had the Matias Tactile Pro Keyboard for Mac, and really liked it. It's more noisy, clacky, but I like that. It was a true writer's keyboard. Unfortunately, the spacebar suddenly died. Everything else works, but no spacebar. So I looked into getting a new keyboard from Matias, and discovered this Quiet Pro keyboard. After about a month, I like it. Matias Quiet Pro Keyboard for Mac US FK302Q. 13630円 ORB リケーブル Clear force Ultimate MMCX 4.4φ(MMCX⇔4.4_5pole・1.2mコード) CF-U-MMCX4.4 ブラック,三菱電機照明 Hf蛍光ランプ ルピカラインプラチナ 32W形 3波長形 昼白色 業務用パック FHF32EN−H3 1セット(25本) (お取寄せ品),超小型MENS(マイクロカレント) フィジオナノ.
The latest trend in keyboards is to have very flat & wide keys, with little or no space between them. You see this a lot on laptops and netbooks. While they look great, they can also be a little tricky to type on.
The flatness makes it very easy to slide out of home row and lose your bearings. The Quiet Pro bucks this trend. It has traditional sculpted keytops, curved to fit your fingertips, and keep you from sliding out of home position. 3 extra USB 2.0 ports. Some keyboards have 2 USB ports - most have none. We’re giving you three! You can plug in flash drives, digital cameras, your mouse, and more.
No ghost in this machine. Most keyboards allow only a few keys to be pressed at once, so they can't keep up with very fast typists.
The result is called ghosting - letters missing from what you actually typed, or additional letters that you didn't type. The Quiet Pro has special Anti-Ghosting Circuitry to eliminate these problems. You can type as fast as you're able; the Quiet Pro will keep up. Anonymous I previously owned the corded Apple aluminum keyboard. The keys have gotten imprecise after a couple of years of daily use. I first thought about buying a new one, but then Apple dropped the corded keyboard and switched to the cordless version and also introduced the new mechanics with the extremely low stroke.
So I searched, got into mechanical keyboards (although owning a mid-price Cherry for PC stuff since years) and found out that the Matias Quiet Pro seems to be the only keyboard fulfilling my requirements: - corded - Mac layout - German layout - not too loud to not annoy my confcall partners - as much Apple special keys as possible (playback, volume control, etc.) So far, I am happy with it, nevertheless having some remarks regarding the overall quality of the product: While the quality of the keyboard mechanics itself apparently is high, the case itself seems a bit cheap to me. Maybe I am spoilt by the massive aluminum case of the Apple keyboard, but especially the space between the cursor keys and PgUpPgDn block sounds hollow and one can easily bend the case downwards, even by slightly pushing it.
My experience with silver glossy plastic, e.g. From TV remotes and such, is that it gets worn out quickly. I hope this does not apply to the Quiet Pro. The manufacturing sticker of my keyboard does not fully stick to the case, I am afraid that I will have to use glue in the future to prevent it from falling off.
This are slight drawbacks when spending such an amount of money for a keyboard. Anonymous Ive only had this keyboard for a month now but Im really satisfied so far.
The rubber bumpers built into each switch result in a feeling that reminds me a little bit of simple rubber dome keyboards; but unlike these, this one gives precise tactile feedback, requires very little force across all keys (including the Return key, even when you hit it on its corners instead of in the middle), and is very fast (at least for my typing speed which is somewhere around 10 characters per second with peaks probably around 15 cps). My previous setup consisted of a 12 Tactile Pro (which is the loudest keyboard Ive ever owned) and an additional Magic Keyboard for whenever Im in a phone call that I dont want to completely interrupt whenever I have to type something. The Quiet Pro is a very good compromise between the two, and it also has the extra function keys that the Tactile Pro sadly doesnt offer (I guess that it was designed before Apple introduced the function key layout that is now standard across all their keyboards).